Video Tape Conversions & Photo Scanning
Time is not being kind to our old friend the Video Cassette. They are starting to deteriorate quite rapidly, some tapes are literally beginning to fade away as the magnetic chemicals are degrading. Others are suffering with mechanical failures of the mechanism or the tape itself.
We can help by digitising your cherished memories before it’s too late.
By using high quality video machines and video capture hardware we can convert your home movies from VHS, VHS-C, MiniDV and Betamax to high resolution MP4 files for playback on computer. If required we can also create a DVD from your tapes.
We also offer slide, negative and photo scanning at competitive rates; and for those cherished family photographs we can offer a repair and restoration service. While we can’t invent what’s missing we can make the most of what remains.
Digital Conversion to mp4 or DVD costs just £10 per tape no matter how long they are. Return shipping of your tape & DVD are at your cost. If you just want the digital files we can dispose of the cassettes.
Negative, Slide or Photo scanning costs 40 pence per item plus return shipping of the originals.
If you have a number of tapes or photo’s please do get in touch for a special deal.
mp4 and scanned image files will be delivered by digital download.
Discretion Assured
If your treasured photo’s or videos are of a personal nature please be assured of our utmost discretion. As soon as you have downloaded your files and are happy with the results all personal files are deleted from our systems.